I tell you most solemnly...
today is...
VERY chi-ji (what's the word for... Exciting+Adventurous+but DANGEROUS?...watever~) I tell you... OMG....Very Chi-Ji lor....
So the story goes like this...
Once upon a time, there is this team -> Partners-in-Crime (PIC) which consists of two guys and a girl...

But, on this particular day, 2 of the PIC decided to meet up for one of the missions... Let's just name them... Ms. M and Mr. A... (okay, obviously Ms. M is me since I'm telling a story about my day... duh.).
Anyways, so they are supposed to meet up at 10am for the mission (which is to revise for finals). BUT......................... Mr. A has his own mission to accomplish that particular day, so he drags Ms. M along even after she says NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO..... But she was threatened and since she has no choice, she went for the mission with Mr. A with the condition that Mr. A will help her with her mission~ *raise eyebrow repeatedly*...
*okay, it's getting confusing now... so let's just go straight to the point.. okay? =)*
Okay, so Mr. A wants me to accompany him to the lecturer's office at the new SOB building which is like in Middle-East, and we were from library at that time... So, the initial plan was to find the lecturer, get what he needs and proceed to completing my mission - which is to distribute the Thank-You card to different departments. Little did Mr. A knows that it actually involves ALL the departments available in Curtin *laughs hysterically and with mean echo*... So, Mr. A very guai-guai de follow me from ICT dept. to School of Foundation (G-2) to School of Engineeing (G-1)... and then..... becos we were too tired of walking *me in high-heels and him in formal shoe*, we decided to take the lift/elevator! *we're so smart right? I know...but wait...*
So we walk into the lift (the one in G1 which we always heard about ghost stories in there)... then... the lift close.... then.... *the climax of this story.... *
*lift door close*
Me: *just about to say: "eh, what if we're stuck in the lift ah?" but before I even say it out...* *heard beeps....and the lift .... is NOT moving......*
Me: 'eh, u din press G ba...' *then, me pressing the 'G' Button... and STILL not moving...*
still Me: *press the G button and the open and close button repeatedly... or did i press all the buttons there? I also din remember~*
*I donno wat Mr.A was doing cuz I seriously don't remember and don't bother to notice*
Me: 'OMG... bu hao xiao lorr... (not funny lor)'
*I think Mr. A started laughing* *then...after a while... just feel a bit shacky...and the lift door opens...and the lift actually dropped lower than the floor...*
So we walk into the lift (the one in G1 which we always heard about ghost stories in there)... then... the lift close.... then.... *the climax of this story.... *
*lift door close*
Me: *just about to say: "eh, what if we're stuck in the lift ah?" but before I even say it out...* *heard beeps....and the lift .... is NOT moving......*
Me: 'eh, u din press G ba...' *then, me pressing the 'G' Button... and STILL not moving...*
still Me: *press the G button and the open and close button repeatedly... or did i press all the buttons there? I also din remember~*
*I donno wat Mr.A was doing cuz I seriously don't remember and don't bother to notice*
Me: 'OMG... bu hao xiao lorr... (not funny lor)'
*I think Mr. A started laughing* *then...after a while... just feel a bit shacky...and the lift door opens...and the lift actually dropped lower than the floor...*
OMG! I was stucked in an elevator!!!!!! OMG!
I was still blur but Mr.A was laughing at me and keep on teasing me at how I keep on pressing all the buttons... MR.A! NOT FUNNY OKAY!...
Anyways, I'm glad that we got out without doing the Mission Impossible actions... HAHAHAHA~ I really thank God that we're alright and yes, I was frighten a bit...
Then it was my last lecture for Marketing of Services unit... and we snap some photos during class...
Anyways, I'm glad that we got out without doing the Mission Impossible actions... HAHAHAHA~ I really thank God that we're alright and yes, I was frighten a bit...
Then it was my last lecture for Marketing of Services unit... and we snap some photos during class...